Solutions to aquatic ecosystem problems must have certain common characteristics:
— Effective
— Affordable
— Robust
— Environmentally benign
Advances in modern biology, especially when coupled with advances in delivery and monitoring technologies, mean these solutions start to be available.
Biology allows specificity for the target problem, while ensuring very limited environmental persistence.
Biological products can utilize the elegant solutions that nature has created.
The active ingredient in Biokos® was naturally selected over millennia for its ability to control protozoa while not harming either bacteria or fish
Many aquatic species like to eat micro-algae, an abundant, nutritious, and accessible food source
Sundew uses modern biology to construct practical products based on this natural elegance.
By fermenting the microbes that make Biokos®, we make a product for controlling aquatic parasites that does not harm the farmer’s fish or the wider aquatic environment
Using micro-algae to deliver highly specific peptidic or RNA payloads allows us to protect aquaculture species and control invasive species.